Saturday, December 1, 2007


Hey guys if your wondering what the title means its like my discription of last night.
oh and wow...
So allow me to EXPLAIN this madness
So I got there blahblhablha and me megan started dnacing (of course we were like the ony ones dancing and we started like people dancing haha) so then are freinds came and we were all dnaacing then crank that came on
we were the only ones who knew it, becuase we are sexy.
then these bitches started like trying to the crank thing part (idk) and they kept ramming into us like they were funny or something.

they werent

so after like the 100th time of them bumping into my arm and it hurting horridly i hit back, and they hit my leg harder. So then i got pissed and just moved.
Oh yes did i mention that they were trying (TRYING) TO BE FUNNY AND GRINDING WEIRD BOYS? BADLY?well yes they did, oprative words being trying and badly.
But then it got a bit... happier for me:-)
not that other kid im constantly obseesing about but another one at the dance... what to call him... (corny collins hahahaa jk jk) um..... dfbgvdfbvfjvhf ill call him "idk" ( i know wtf but i have no idea what to call him_) So first idk asked me what i wanted for my birthday and he seemed like he really cared he didnt just wanna like throw a dollar in a card and be done, and that was nice, but i mean he was just asking me what i wanted for my party, so what.
then he started t o dance with me and my girlfreidns in our little dnacey square (OF SEXINESS! HAHA) and he was being really funny and cute
then we started talking and the group got smaller and i was just dancing with my firedns and he wad there and i get glancing over to see him dancing and i flirted with him and it was fun, and i tought him the black hand slap with the help of megan
But then...
Igot home and started to day dream... (oh dear i know ) and thinking about how nice he was so i guess i like him now, as confermed by the absters lol so i thought about him and my stomach got all notty and i was like gigling for no reason BUT THEN i started thinkg about bob (the kid i constantly go crazy over im now calling bob, for weird reasons.) so im still thinking of idk and then bob pops in and with the flipy stomach with bob in th mix i like can't breath and im like rolling over trying to remeber how to brethe and all i can think about is bob and idk bo and idk in my brain i was come one shannon pick one!
so now im completley confussed becuase im crazy about both of these guys and i just wish i could squish both of them togther!!

*-CRAZY about 2 people at once and really need some help im me PLLEEAASSSEE el

P.S. people bday idea *** idk or mike dancing with me to a slow song. get that and ill be your best friend
(get that and ill love you forever hha)
i got


Anonymous said...

nice entry !!!!!
i cant believe kristen thought brett liked you shes is so oblivious sometimes lol
i mean we both saw 'em kiss didnt we?? or was that an illusion we both had??
ily soo much shannon, and i miss u in algebra :*(

Anonymous said... I see that there's a someone special named *** ? Have anything to do with the boy in the comment above mine? Please tell. I need to know these things!!
